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Thank you for raising the profile of Cabinet Committees.

A party prepared for government would have its Cabinet Committees prepared before the election and used the time before the elections to help officials understand what its intentions were.

The Cabinet Committee system is constitutionally sound (as the above makes clear) and is the route for politicians to engage with officials (through preparing briefing and correspondence) in decision making, legislating and implementation. The committees carry the authority of the Cabinet and are the proper and regular way of managing ‘cross-cutting’ issues.

They are an important part of the exercise of the PMs power of patronage - traditionally the way in which a PM is ‘first among equals’.

Cabinet Committees are managed by a secretariat which gives the Cabinet Secretary more opportunity to be effective in managing relationships within and between government departments.

Cabinet Committees require ministers to be on top of their briefs and to rely more on advice from officials - and maybe less on comms or spads - who understand the proper process of government and must develop a relationship of trust with their ministers.

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